The Journal Newsletter – January 2010

The Journal Newsletter

January 2010


Happy (Slightly Belated) New Year! =)

An update of The Journal 5.1 has been released. Look in “The Journal News” below for the details.

This month’s tips describe how to use (or not use) the new day planner view for reminders, and how to see your MS Outlook calendar reminders in The Journal. Plus, we have a new set of writing prompts.

The Journal 5 now has support for other languages. Currently, the choices are American English and British English. You can pick your favorite on the View menu, Language sub-menu. =) If you’re willing to help me translate The Journal’s menus and forms to another language, please email me:

Thank you for using The Journal!

Tips & Tricks

TIP: Using (or not using) the Day Planner for Reminders

The Journal now supports 2 different ways to show the active reminders for a day. The first is the traditional style used in earlier versions of The Journal. This way lists the reminders for the current date (or the date of the active entry) just above the entry. This is a very compact display style.

If you would prefer a full day planner view, though, that is possible, as well. All day events are listed at the top the planner. Reminders that have a time, though, are listed at that time in the day planner. You can also have the day planner show just today, up to the next 6 days, or the current week.

1. Right-click on the category tab and choose “Category Properties…”

2. On, the “General” tab, you’ll see these options:

“Show day planner with active reminders”

When this option is checked your active reminders for Tasks, Events, Appointments and Special Days will displayed in the day planner above the entry editor. When un-checked, reminders are displayed with the more compact traditional style.

If the day planner is checked, you can choose to show reminders for the current day, the current week, or for the next 2 to 7 days. The traditional style only shows reminders for the current date or the date of the active entry.

“Only show if there are active reminders”

When this option is checked the day planner will only display when there are active reminders.

TIP: Displaying MS Outlook Calendar Reminders in The Journal

New in The Journal 5.1 is an option to display the reminders from your default MS Outlook calendar. These reminders are displayed in the day planner and in the monthly and yearly calendar views, as well. You can double-click those reminders to view their details, or even edit them.

To turn this option on:

1. Click on the “User” menu and choose “User Preferences…”

2. Bring up the “Reminders” tab.

3. Check this option: “Display reminders/events from MS Outlook in The Journal”

Writing Prompts

Free Writing Prompt – Write for 20 minutes using the following as your starter: “After Hours”

Journaling Prompt – When was the last time you met someone who became a friend? How did the friendship grow?

Memoir Prompt – List the toys you remember having as a child.

Submission Information

If you would like to contribute to the “How I Use The Journal”, “Writing Exercises”, or “Tips & Tricks” sections, or would like to submit an article about journaling, writing, or another The Journal-related topic, we would love to hear from you.

Submissions for the newsletter should be sent to:

If you are submitting for a particular section, please indicate which one. Try to limit your submissions to 500-1000 words. Submissions may be edited for length and content.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, please state this in the email. Otherwise your name (but not your email) will be used in the article heading.

As always, if you have any suggestions for, or bug reports about, The Journal, please feel free to email them. Both are always welcome.


Editor: David Michael (
The Journal Newsletter Copyright © 2015 by David Michael.
Updated: June 24, 2015 — 9:08 pm